Translation and certification of documents
Professional translation of documents is one of the most popular inquiry in Google search. It is no surprise! Some texts like literary and ones presuppose some stylistic changes but others, for example, legal or technical demand maximum exactness in transliteration and translation. It is very important to keep exact meaning of terminology in such text. Googlе is of no help here as computer (despite its vocabulary and the whole of Internet is in its disposal) is so far unable to understand the meaning of the text it translates. Whereas translators of ТАТ Сenter in Kyiv have all the possibilities to give high quality services in this sphere for adequate priceв and at short time. One of our main rules is attention to details!
All the documents for translation can be divided into 3 groups:
- Standard documents;
- Specialized texts;
- Standard and literary texts.
You can see the list of all standard documents here.
Specialized texts are the documents and texts of different specific professional topics: legal, technical, medical, IT texts, websites translation, etc.
Standard and literary texts are the general topic texts, such as fiction, popular-scientific literature, epistolary literature (epistolary intercourse, memoirs of people of art, culture, politicians, etc.), political journalism, etc.
Our company also provides service of certification for translated documents. The documents can be certified either by notary or by the stamp of our translation agency. Since our translators have relevant diplomas we can certify translation of all your documents to/from 60 languages! You can see the pricelist for these services here.
Our agency is known not only in Kyiv but around the country as well since a job well-done causes natural advertisement. Document translation services are the kind of services that will still be in offer while there are other languages and official documents. That is why if you need to have a text translated into other language quickly and with high quality call ТАТ Сenter at once and we will help you!