High-quality interpretation services of any level of difficulty
- Consecutive interpretation is done while speaker makes breaks in the speech. This kind of oral translation does not require any additional equipment and is of high demand.
- We choose qualified interpreters with excellent memory, extensive vocabulary, high ability to focus and good endurance, therefore we guarantee quick and quality translation convenient for all participants of the dialogue.
- For correct translation of events with specific subject ТАТ Сenter provides you with experienced interpreter familiar with the terminology of the subject.
- Our specialists have a large working experience abroad, make grammatically correct translation without changing the meaning of the text and remaining a neutral party. Besides, Translation Agency ТАТ Сenter can provide service of interpretation by a native speaker.
High-quality interpretation services wherever you need them
- We meet, support and service your partners in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine.
- We provide services of tour-guides and assistant to you and your colleagues in abroad business-trips in any country of the world.
- To save your money and make you feel comfortable we provide interpreters who live in the designated country.
All kinds of consecutive interpretation
- We provide specialists for consecutive translation from 60 languages.
- Our interpreters translate with high quality at all kinds of business activities: business meetings, concluding agreements, conferences and press-conferences, exhibitions, presentations, trainings.
- Professional training of interpreters guarantees excellent quality of provided services: meeting and support of clients, support at business trips and guiding the tours.
-Specialists of Translation Agency ТАТ Сenter have excellent mastery of interpretation methods in negotiations over the telphone and on-line events, such as webinars, teleconferences and web-conferences.
- For fulfillment of specific tasks, such as audit of the enterprise, assembly works and equipment check out, translation of trainings, work with groups and other, Translation Agency ТАТ Сenter chooses for you qualified interpreters with experience in the corresponding sphere.
Reliability of partnership and service quality
- Specialists of ТАТ Сenter guarantee complete confidentiality while providing services.
- Qualified interpreters of the agency meet your dress-code demands, have good countenance, literate speech and good skills of communication at international negotiations.
- Many of our interpreters, apart from linguistic education have an additional diploma (in medical science, engineering, legal science and humanities), which guarantees interpretation of high quality at an event of any specifics.
- We request from you the reference materials in advance, which allows us to find the best suitable interpreter who is familiar with the specifics of your business for better quality of interpretation.