Translation agency

Anyone, even those who know foreign languages, someday might need services of translation agency for either business or personal needs. Having addressed Translation Agency ТАТ СENTER you get a translation of high quality in short terms.
ТАТ СENTER provides all kinds of translations:
- written translation in compliance with lexical, grammatical and stylistic peculiarities;
- oral translation (interpretation) – consecutive and simultaneous;
- on-line-translation and conference support;
- translations of website with localization and adaptation to search engines.
Translation Agency TAT Center provides high quality translation in the shortest possible time and at reasonable price!
Why choose us?
For the first, we provide translations from 60 languages. Our linguists are the specialists qualified with degree in linguistics. High number of successfully fulfilled orders proves their reliability.
For the second, additional final proofreading of texts by our editors, each one of whom specializes in corresponding sphere, excludes errors and provides high quality of translation.
For the third, your personal manager supervises execution of your order that is why it will be done in predetermined time.
For the fourth, you may order trial translation free of charge (1-2 passages of any page of your order) and see for yourself the quality of our service.
For the fifth, cost of our services is optimal. Besides, we offer different discounts all the time which allows you to save without loss in quality.
Finally, Translation Agency TAT Center is of right proud of having the best value for money.
Trust of TAT Center’s loyal customers (the biggest companies in the sphere of communication, construction, design, etc.) prove our professionalism. We are indeed interested in your receiving the best quality of translated text at a favourable price. Individual approach to every client and full confidentiality are additional benefits for our clients
Convenience of TAT Center
1. We accept orders for translation services in any convenient to a client way: via e-mail, postal mail or in office in the center of Kyiv, then we give preliminary assessment of cost* and coordinate with you the deadline of work;
3. We accept payment for services in the following ways: on Pryvat-Bank card, on current account (in this case cost of translation increases to 5%), or in cash with all the correspondent accounting documentation;
4. After completion of translation, proofreading and editing, we make final calculation of translation’s volume;
5. At the predetermined time after having paid the rest of payment you received a high quality translation.
*All the calculations are done according to the volume of translated texts taking into account the number of pages (1 page = 1800 characters with space).
According to expert views, international negotiations are 75% more successful when professional interpreters participates in them. That is why the experts advise to invite qualified interpreters for support of business meetings. This becomes even more pressing if English is not native language for some participants.
Translation Agency TAT Center provides services of professional interpretation from more than 40 languages of the world. To support official and educational events, conferences, negotiations and scientific meetings TAT Center will choose the interpreters who specialize in corresponding sphere you need. You can always count on their professional qualities and high-level skills.
To solve your business-tasks you may use service of consecutive (with pauses for interpreter’s work) or simultaneous translation.
We choose experienced interpreters who know terminology well and guarantee translation suitable for all participants of the dialogue.