Translation of passport with notarization: peculiarities of procedure
Legal framework is changing constantly, and if earlier such procedure as notarization of passport was not relevant in Ukraine, then now it is one of the most frequent orders. Until recently, translation and notarization of passport of Ukrainian citizen were ordered mainly by our compatriots who were going abroad, but nowadays more and more foreigners, arriving to Ukraine to work or study, need this.
In which cases citizens of other countries have to translate and notarize the passport?
- when performing any notarial acts on the territory of our state;
- when formalizing residence permit or citizenship of Ukraine;
- when contracting a marriage with a citizen of Ukraine;
- when formalizing a birth certificate of a child;
- when obtaining employment at the Ukrainian company or state institution;
- when getting an identification code;
- when formalizing an invitation for a foreigner.
Depending on a situation, original of a passport may be copied either completely, or just several pages. Notary can certify as a passport translation, as a passport copy – that is why it is highly important to find out all details of bureaucratic procedure of organization where you are going to submit the documents.
Translation and notarization of passport of Ukrainian citizen is necessary in the following cases:
- when departing to the Russian Federation in order to work or perform notarial acts;
- when contracting a marriage with a foreign citizen (document is translated into language of the country you are moving to for a permanent residence);
- when formalizing an educational diploma of European standard (translation into English is required);
In all listed cases it is necessary to provide original passport, and copies are taken of all the pages.
Please, pay attention to unusual situations!
In some federated states of Germany – Lands – translations are not accepted if they were not performed by local translator. That is why translation performed by Ukrainian translator is not enough there. In this case, to formalize documents you have to notarize a copy of a passport of Ukrainian citizen and affix an apostille on a copy.
Specialists of Translation agency TAT CENTER know well all procedures that can be necessary for translation and notarization of the documents. Feel free to address us and you will receive qualitative service with reasonable prices.

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