Translation of legal texts
Nowadays translation of legal texts is of big popularity as the majority of different companies’ representatives come across such problems as communicating legal information among people speaking different languages nearly every day. This complicates communication between partners so much. In cases as these, it is impossible to do without translators’ help.
Translation Agency TАТ Сenter does translation of texts in the sphere of law and legal studies.
There are the following kinds of legal texts for translation we carry out:
- apostille and notarial certificates;
- business plans, company documentation;
- warrants of attorney;
- contracts, agreements;
- laws, regulations, regulatory legal acts and their drafts;
- statements of claim, licenses and permits;
- tender documentation;
- regulations of legal entities;
- legal opinions and memorandums.
Peculiarities and distinction of our Translation Agency translations
Firstly, original text and the translated one reflect peculiarities of different legal systems. In the language of the document it can be expressed on the lexical level (absence of terms) as well as in syntactical (sentence construction). We guarantee saving authentic sense of a legal document, absence of errors and inaccuracies.
Secondly, specifics and complicacy of this kind of translation calls for special demands both to the translator, who is working on the text, and process of translation itself. That is why some of Translation Agency TАТ Center’s translators have also a Diploma in legal science and a great experience in translating such texts.
Thirdly, while working on legal text we keep consulting with legal practitioner, and after translation is complete we carry out edit of the text with their help.
Thus, if you choose our services you get a high quality of translation of legal texts at short notice and reasonable price!
Translation Agency TАТ Center has not only great experience in this sphere but also great advantage over other companies providing the same services. For example:
- Translation of legal texts in our agency are checked by lawyers.
- We provide legally correct translation taking care of confidentiality of the client’s documents and translations made.
- We provide such service as “Urgent translation”
- We work in Kyiv as well as all over the country, taking orders over the phone, via e-mail, Nova Poshta and UkrPoshta delivery, courier mail, etc.
- Our specialist translate from more than 60 languages!
We guarantee timely translations, quality and confidentiality!