HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: English for the Hotel & Catering Industry

Highly Recommended is a popular elementary-level course for younger adult learners on hotel and catering courses In schools and colleges, or people training tor a career In the hospitality sector. It provides the English needed for dealing with customers and colleagues in a variety of hotel and restaurant situations, such as:
  • taking bookings.
  • checking guests in and out.
  • dealing with enquirers and complaints.
  • explaining dishes.
  • taking payments.
Highly Recommended New Edition has been extensively revised and updated to take account of changing practices and new technologies such as computerized reservation systems.
This Workbook contains further exercises and activities for the classroom of self-study.
Young trainees in the hospitality and catering industry who need English to deal with customers.Topics reflect the real contexts trainees will encounter in their working lives.
Emphasis on understanding and speaking English in practical situations.Two listening sections with accompanying tasks in every unit.
Clear focus on key functional expressions and topic-related vocabulary. Activity section in each unit involving real-world communicative tasks.