Knowledge of foreign languages is dificult to overestimate in today’s society.
Despite the variety of variants of the English language and the presence of specific features for each ethnicity, English remains the most popular. More than one billion people are native English speakers and about 600 million have chosen this as a foreign language. Nowadays English is considered to be one of the most popular. It is the language of global communication, business writing, business, science and education.
TaTcenter - a center specializing in corporate language training.
We offer:
- general conversational English course;
- business English;
- for restaurant and hotel business;
- for tourism business;
- for marketers and advertisers;
- for medical personnel;
- for lawyers;
- for programmers;
- for employees of the bank;
- for law enforcement agencies;
- English for survival;
- for air traffic controllers;
- for economists;
- technical English;
- for human resource managers;
- for engineers;
- for pharmacists;
- for power engineering;
- for managers of telecommunications companies;
- for motorists;
- for professionals in the field of logistics;
- sales and purchases.
Duration of the course
4 months
Number of classes per week
2 times
The duration of one lesson
90 min
from 2 to 8 person
Place of Occupation
By the request
Cost of one class
250 UAH *
* 250 UAH. for 1 lesson of 90 minutes. Maximum number of students 8 person. Tariff for General course of English.
Why you shoud chose us?
- Our employees only experienced and qualified teachers!
- Our students speak English after the first lesson!
- We offer individual attention to each student!
- And also take into account features of your company!
- TaTcenter provides FREE trial lesson and FREE testing to determine the level of proficiency!
- The guarantee of quality!
- An effective system of motivation!